Our Values & Mission
Our Values
We Believe In...
Maintaining a Standard of Excellence through everything we do and create, by providing friendly, respectful, professional service, creating a place people want to return to, being open to feedback from our patrons, always seeking opportunities to improve, and aiming to have the nicest outhouses you’ll ever take a shit in.
Disconnecting to Reconnect through getting offgrid, unplugging from our devices and the daily grind, having a place where people can reconnect with their soul and feel free from the high pressure, fast paced world we live in. We will hold to the value of being as rustic, but comfortable, as possible.
Our Community by supporting those in need of second chances and fresh starts. By maintaining a space that is safe and secure, ensuring we hold a high standard with our yearly leasees, and ensuring we vet any new referrals thoroughly. We will upkeep our equipment and facilities to the best of our ability to ensure they are safe and up to date.
The Environment. We are stewards of the land and treat the Earth Mother with respect and honour. We will review our practices to ensure that they are as eco-friendly as possible with the least amount of environmental impact and most respectful land use.
Honouring our Legacy through understanding and perpetuating our (Indigenous) creation story, how we got here, where we came from and where we are going. We ensure we will utilize this knowledge to make intentional decisions, knowing they will affect the future generations. We will also ensure our family owned business supports our extended family, both blood and chosen, through our Legacy funding and grants for education or business opportunities.

Our Mission Statement
Why We Exist
BLR is an exceptional off grid, outdoor experience in central Alberta that enables any and everyone to relax, disconnect from outside pressures and enjoy nature in a quiet, clean, well maintained rustic facility and peaceful, serene environment.
We have the privilege of being the doorway to countless outdoor adventures, activities and soul-nourishing moments for a deeply enjoyable and relaxing stay that allows nature to reset the senses, help you reconnect and make unforgettable memories.